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New equipment can be confusing. When you and your employees have used the same system for many years, changes can be difficult. Some of your employees may even prefer to stay with a system that fails them frequently just so they don’t have to learn how to use a new system! This is where good training comes into play. Knowing how to put a caller on hold, mute, forward their call, or even to check your own voicemail can be essential to appearing professional and to feeling as if you’re proficient with your equipment and able to do your job. It is important that your staff knows how to use their telephones, headsets, and mobile devices. You invested the money into them, so let’s invest the time needed to learn how to use them to the fullest extent.
Whether it is for an existing business telephone system, or for a reliable new system from Martel, the guides and download resources we have provided on our support page ensure that you have everything you and your business need to take full advantage of every feature.
Here you will find Panasonic business telephone system manuals, phone feature settings walkthroughs, voicemail setup guides and more. If you do not find what you need here, please let us know and we will do our best to make it available.
We will train your trainers, walking them step by step through the manual until they feel prepared to teach the rest of the staff. If you require assistance, please don’t hesitate to call us. At Martel, Inc. we are always happy to help.